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SWGP Prop 1 ‘Fresno Stormwater Capture, Retention and Reuse Project’

In December 2016, the State Water Resources Control Board awarded an $8.4 million infrastructure grant to the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District and the Fresno Irrigation District. The grant provides 70% project funding for a series of five multi-benefit stormwater projects spread out across south Fresno.

For more information on the State’s Proposition 1 Storm Water Grant Program, visit their page here.

Flood Line newsletter stories:

Follow this link to view a map of the locations of each of the grant project sites.

Gould To Fancher Pipeline
Construction of just over a half-mile of 72″ diameter concrete pipeline connecting the Fresno Irrigation District’s Gould Canal to the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District’s Fancher Creek Detention Basin has been completed. Trenching took place down the center of McCall Avenue, north of McKinley to the Gould Canal. The completed project allows routing of stormwater out of Gould Canal to increase canal capacity, which then allows pumping of downstream basins into Gould Canal during major storms. The new pipeline also allows water to be diverted to Fancher Creek Detention Basin for groundwater recharge, rather than being routed out of the local region.

Fancher Creek Detention Basin
Construction of two 14’x21’x16’ subterranean concrete intake structures has been completed at the District’s 271-acre Fancher Creek Detention Basin, at McKinley and McCall in Fresno. The structures are located on either side of the Fresno Irrigation District’s channel that runs east and west across the site, and each intake structure houses three, 15,000 gallon-per-minute capacity pumps. The completed work adds to the capability of Fancher Creek Detention Basin to function as a flood control facility, due to the movement of large volumes of water with remote operations, and gives it new large-scale usefulness in performing groundwater recharge. The basin holds 1,891 acre-feet of stormwater and boasts an estimated annual groundwater recharge capacity of 2,500 acre-feet.

Basin “BK” and Basin “DV”
Two pump stations broke ground in late 2023, Basin “BK” (Kings Canyon and Clovis) and Basin “DV” (Kings Canyon and Temperance). Each project will construct a pump station, relief line, and canal intertie (both will tie to Fancher Creek Canal). In addition, the Basin “BK” project will construct a storm drain that will provide drainage service to an older residential area. A new pipeline will connect the basin to the Fresno Irrigation District’s (FID) nearby Fancher Creek Canal to allow surface water to be routed into the basin during dry weather. That water will percolate through the soil in the basin floor and help replenish the groundwater aquifer. Meanwhile, the new pump station will be able to move stormwater through the pipeline from the basin into the canal during times of heavy rain when extra basin capacity is needed to prevent localized flooding. These functions can be monitored and controlled remotely from the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District’s (FMFCD) Operations Center by the new telemetry system. These projects have a combined area of 21 acres, stormwater capacity of 305 acre-feet, and annual estimated groundwater recharge capability of 450 acre-feet.

Central Basin
Three new Fresno Irrigation District (FID) groundwater recharge basins were constructed as part of the SWGP Prop 1 project: a 40-acre site at East and Malaga Avenues, a 14-acre site at Orange and Lincoln Avenues, and a 36-acre site at Central and Hughes Avenues. Now completed, they will be able to receive, hold, and recharge water for groundwater recharge. The combined 90 acres of new recharge basins will have the capacity to recharge roughly 2,200 acre-feet annually. Excavation of the 40-acre and 14-acre sites was done in cooperation with the California High Speed Rail (HSR) Authority, adding another layer of interagency collaboration to this already-collaborative project. Fill material needed for HSR projects was pulled from the basin sites, further reducing local cost share. Visit FID’s website for more information and project photos..

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